• Press Release

De-aging the virtual brain: HBP researchers use computational models to identify key brain targets for stimulation and counter brain aging

26 April 2022

Human Brain Project researchers have used whole-brain virtual models to simulate what happens when neurostimulation is applied to aging human brains. These models provide new insight into how the dynamics of a healthy brain change as it grows old, and crucially, could help identify new targets and strategies for therapeutic neurostimulation. 

Indicators and criteria of consciousness for behaviourally unresponsive patients

23 April 2022

Identifying and quantifying residual consciousness in patients with disorders of consciousness is notoriously challenging but increasingly urgent. There is a high rate of misdiagnosis among patients suffering from these disorders, particularly between vegetative states/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and minimally conscious states. A recent BMC Medical Ethics publication explores how operational indicators previously introduced to assess consciousness in non-human animals and artificial intelligence can be relevant and have an ethical impact on the diagnosis and care of patients with disorders of consciousness.

Cellular structure of the human metathalamus revealed in novel 3D map

22 April 2022

A new, high-resolution 3D map of a previously unmapped area of the brain has been reconstructed by a team of researchers as part of the Human Brain Project (HBP). The German-based group developed a cytoarchitectonic map (a map of the cellular structure of the brain, down to the individual neurons) of the metathalamus, an area involved in processing audiovisual information. They incorporated the new reconstruction into the Julich Brain Atlas, which is easily accessible to anyone via the HBP’s EBRAINS infrastructure.

HBP researchers propose new framework to ease the processing of large-scale data

19 April 2022

The amount of data available to researchers has been steadily growing. But even though large-scale, openly shared datasets give scientists across disciplines unique research opportunities, they also pose big challenges. Researchers at the Human Brain Project have proposed a new framework for the reproducible processing of large-scale data, which aims to tackle these challenges.

HBP scientists share their latest achievements at the Corticon symposium

11 April 2022

The Human Brain Project’s neuroscientists and invited guests will present their latest achievements in understanding neurocircuit dynamics at microscales, meso- and macroscales, including the emergence of consciousness, at the Symposium “From Cortical Microcircuits to Consciousness”. The three-day event started this Monday at the Institut Catholique de Paris, France.