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Brain simulation augments machine-learning–based classification of dementia

03 June 2022

Brain simulation methods can be used to improve the classification of dementia and could in the future constitute a new diagnostic tool to help direct patients towards the right treatment. These are the conclusions suggested by a new paper by HBP researchers, published in the Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions (TRCI) journal. The findings provide a proof of concept for the use of the Virtual Brain simulation platform as a personalisation tool not only for treatment, but also for early stages of diagnosis.

The brain’s mechanisms for vision depend on other senses

25 May 2022

Every moment of our waking lives, images fall onto our eyes and go through a series of processing steps in the brain to inform us about what is going on in the world. A team of researchers led by HBP partner University of Amsterdam, finds that the time the brain needs to make a visual decision depends on auditory and tactile inputs, not only on the visual properties of the stimuli.

Diversity in brain research: Does it matter? - Webinar recap

25 May 2022

Is it possible to differentiate biological sex from other factors that can influence the brain, like culture or life experiences? Is sex a simple binary variable or a complex interplay of several factors? To which extent are brain functions affected by sex hormones? Can it be ethically justified to only study homogenous groups when diagnosing and treating diseases, if that means neglecting human diversity? Which intersections of sex with further diversity traits should be considered, especially for neurodegenerative diseases?

  • News

HBP scientists analyse mechanism that can drive prediction failure in schizophrenia

24 May 2022

World Schizophrenia Day is observed on May 24 every year to spread awareness about the mental disorder that affects about 24 million people across the world, according to the World Health Organization. Schizophrenia involves impairments in the way reality is perceived and behaviour changes, causing symptoms like delusions, hallucinations and disorganised thinking. The Human Brain Project (HBP) supports research that contributes to a better understanding of schizophrenia. In a recent study, scientists analysed a mechanism that may be behind one of the characteristic symptoms of the disorder.