Call for Paper Submissions: Diversity in Research Paper Award (DIRPA)
09 November 2021
The Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee (DEOC) invites you to apply for the DIRPA, if your publication considers diversity traits such as sex, gender, age, ethnicity, etc. in your specific field of research like neuroscience, AI, Robotics.
Differentiating variables has been recognised to be relevant from the level of stem cells to the reproduction of biases by AI applications. Considering sex/gender has become a mandatory requirement for Horizon Europe projects (see also “Gendered Innovations” policy report).
The most outstanding papers will
1. be promoted with a news feature on the HBP website and social media channels with several thousand followers.
2. be awarded with a certificate of honour.
3. be presented at the heart of a webinar to a large audience in a dedicated online event organised and promoted by the HBP and EBRAINS, where the authors will discuss their research related to diversity with Lutz Jäncke and further keynote speakers in April 2022.
4. especially early-stage researchers will receive a voucher for a HBP event of choice.
Submission deadline: 21st December 2021
More information & submission: