The HBP Student Representatives speak for the Student Community in the HBP Education Programme Committee, which defines the strategy and the work plan of the HBP Education Programme. All HBP Workpackages are represented in the HBP Education Programme Committee.



The HBP Student Representatives for the period of 1 April 2020 to 31 October 2021 are:

Alice Geminiani (University of Pavia)
Ingrid Reiten (University of Oslo)


The 3rd Student Representative election took place in November 2019. Alice Geminiani and Ingrid Reiten were elected by the HBP student community and have assumed office in April 2020.


The main tasks of the Student Representatives:

  • Act as a voice of the growing student community at HBP Education Programme Committee Meetings
  • Help shaping the strategy of the Education Programme for the operational phase of the HBP
  • Act as linking point between the HBP student community, the Education Programme Office, HBP senior scientists and the HBP Consortium
  • Co-organise the HBP Student Conference
  • Organise networking events and student gatherings at HBP and HBP Education events


You can contact the HBP Student Representatives at studentrep@humanbrainproject.eu


Name: Alice Geminiani

Social Media/Get in Touch: https://twitter.com/gemi_alice (Twitter) | alice.geminiani@unipv.it (contact email)

Role: PostDoc Researcher

Work package & Location: WP 1/ WP 3, Pavia (Italy)

Research: Computational Neuroscience; Cerebellum modelling; Spiking neural networks

Role and Activities amongst the Student Ambassadors:

I am an early PostDoc researcher at the University of Pavia, where I study the cerebellum through spiking neural network models, with the aim to investigate the neural bases of cerebellar functioning and disease. During my whole research path, the Human Brain Project has been a key reference point, inspiring the underlying motivations of my research activity. I have strongly benefited from the educational activities of HBP, which have been fundamental training and networking opportunities. Based on my experience, I will do my best to give voice to the HBP students and significantly contribute to the future of the HBP Education Programme.


Name: Ingrid Reiten

Social Media/Get in Touch: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ingridreiten/

Role: Researcher

Workpackage & Location: WP4, Oslo, Norway

Research/Thesis Title: The sensory role of motile cilia

Role and Activities amongst the Student Ambassadors:

My background is in cell- and molecular biology, various fields within neuroscience, and didactics, and I aim to couple these experiences to work towards a more collaborative research field with unified and more accessible research data. I get to do this in my current position as a data curator in the Human Brain Project, where we collaborate across labs and research cultures to establish workflows for integration and sharing of heterogeneous neuroscience data. The key to succeeding in pushing the field of neuroscience forward however lies in getting today’s students and early career-researchers onboard. Initiatives and innovations must be communicated, any feedback and needs must be heard and integrated, and events must be organized so that we can meet and discuss in person. Thus, I find my position as the students’ representative in the HBP Education Programme committee highly valuable. I will strive to make information accessible and comprehensible, as well as promote and help organize events and other possibilities directed towards personal and career development. I am honored to represent the HBP’s younger generation of researchers and hope this effort will help and motivate students and early-career researchers to exploit the educational resources made available by the HBP.