HBP Innovation Awards



The second Innovation Award was granted to Marcello Massimini and the PCI team from the University of Milan and the Coma Science Group of the University of Liege for their work on the Perturbational Complexity Index (PCI). Congratulations to all of them for the great work! 

The innovation developed in the context of HBP measures the complexity of electroencephalographic (EEG) responses to transcraneal magnetic stimulation (TMS); it showed a remarkable sensitivity in detecting minimal signs of consciousness. 

You can find out more about this exciting technology in the interview to Marcello Massimini here



The first Innovation Award (first semester 2021) was granted to Viktor Jirsa and the Virtual Epileptic Patient (VEP) team. 

Our warmest congratulations to Viktor Jirsa and all the VEP Team for the outstanding work made on VEP in the HBP from the innovation perspective.

We have interviewed Viktor Jirsa on the occasion of the award, you can read the interview in our Innovation Newsletter.

And here you can watch an interview to Viktor Jirsa and Jean Marc Ferrier, CEO of VB-Tech (VB-Tech for Virtual Brain Technologies).



HBP launched the HBP Innovation Awards to recognize project researchers in their role of “innovators”. The awards will give internal and external visibility to their efforts towards the exploitation of their research results.

Although winners will not receive a cash reward, this prize will give the innovator the opportunity to:

  • get a printed diploma and 3D object with the title of the innovation and name and affiliation of the winner.
  • include a description of the technology in the Innovation Newsletter, both in printed form and in the HBP web site.
  • record an interview where the winner can explain the motivation and interest in pursuing the innovation activities.
  • inform the European Commission, via the project officer, about the prize and to include it as relevant in the reporting procedures of innovation in HBP.
  • participate in one special session of the HBP Summit where all prized innovators will receive public recognition, with the participation of the HBP CEO, SIB Chair and the EC.

The HBP Innovation Awards, conceived and designed by the Innovation Team, have been endorsed by DIR last December 15th, and will be implemented according to the following lines:

  • Awards will be delivered every six months in 2021 and 2022 (four awards in total in SGA3).
  • Awards will be pre-selected by the Innovation team in coordination with the WP project managers, based on a set of innovation-related criteria and the exploitation potential of the HBP results.
  • Three ranked candidates with an explanatory dossier will be proposed to the DIR every six months by the Innovation team.
  • The DIR will select one of them as the “Innovation Award” of that semester.

The Innovation team will support the Communication team to disseminate the awards with videos of the interviews made to the prized innovators and their team, thus the awarded innovation will be widely explained to media.

The HBP Innovation Awards were launched in January 2021 with an internal communication to the work packages. In March 2021 the Innovation team will proposed the first set of potential winners to the DIR. On May 4th the DIR granted the first HBP Innovation Award to Viktor Jirsa and the Virtual Epileptic Patient (VEP) team. 

HBP DIR will grant another Award in 2021 and two more in 2022. The process of the second one is open, and we can also stimulate the previous candidacies and new ones to present their intention to participate.

To propose a candidate all is needed is to fill in this document and send it to innovation@humanbrainproject.eu (candidates must be HBP results funded by SGA3).

The second award will be decided before the next HBP-EBRAINS Summit next October and then both awarded researchers and teams in 2021 will be able to receive their Awards in a special session during the Summit.